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Organizer: Anshan Baihe Jian Consulting LLC                 P.R.C  Liao ICP registered 11017804       Police Filling

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Let the human seeing that modern technology has been reached inconceivable realm, the people is no longer require to do non-useful power;

Let the human is continue development and forward in this condition.  

The High-Tech (existence device) is only a kind of the production in modern science era. It has usual- and consensus-character from everybody's thought, so it should to serve all human, not ought to harm everybody.

Base on this idea that our enterprise is attracting capital successful after, step by step we are opening our technic-platform to resist empire(dynasties) procedure in order to the human always enjoy "Freedom, Justice, democracy" social.

Waking up all human is only a part of our enterprise target, other aim is depend on existence's device, let the human much more freedom, democracy, justice right.

And to breaking a small group's expansion idea of control earth and chaos social.

Let the existence's device no place hide;

And let the human clear know how to death and how product various disease under this device;

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