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Organizer: Anshan Baihe Jian Consulting LLC                 P.R.C  Liao ICP registered 11017804       Police Filling

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Before many things haven't scientific proof, the human think that these things attributed to God or Secret Power. But the history told us that this is just ' Bizarre '  (ie. Human factor).

As obtain science technology not symmetrical; As interest group defended own interest; And as Money and Right are greater than everything in their heart no sooner than it is appearing bizarre. It is a characteristic in modern. (ie. the same with history bizarre).

For the human is going out of the ignorant; For all human is no longer repeating slave era; For much more clear to seeing who is true culprit.

Our enterprise muss to do so, and only by this form can helping all human to return peace and justice.

Truth always in a few hands, our enterprise needs step by step to development, During development perhaps bizarre manipulator can be referenced and resisted.

Mao President of China.PR said "The body is the revolution qualification", and fetching results, the bizarre device harm our body, we muss stand up to revolution against technology.

This is our original thinking to sponsoring Industry Revolution in accordance with the welt sponsor "Freedom, Peace, Justice" also.

Above base on bizarre device, Self-R & D, Self-management, Self-attracting capital, and to satisfied with the human continue increase demands. this is  a kind of regular of things development.

The enterprise development, can't without the human,  also can't without pursue great profit businessmen, much more can't without the peoples of pursue truth.

Hoping, Our enterprise is continue development and stronger under world's helping.

Helping our enterprise is equal to helping yourself and a kind of next generation obligation.

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